The post-epidemic era is coming, new infrastructure injects vitality into us
The world has been hit by the epidemic, the world economy has been severely recessed,
the circulation of the industrial chain and supply chain has been blocked,
international trade and investment have shrunk, and the bulk commodity market
has been turbulent. Under such a general background,
domestic consumption, investment, and exports have declined,
and employment pressure has increased significantly.
Enterprises, especially private enterprises, small,
medium and micro enterprises have become more difficult, financial and other fields
have accumulated risks, and the contradiction between grassroots
fiscal revenue and expenditure has intensified. The problems we have to face,
how to properly solve these problems has become a big test for us.
The world's first wave of epidemics is still climbing to the peak.
The inability to eliminate the new crown virus in a short time has become a certainty.
The normalization of the epidemic has led us into the post-epidemic era. In the post-epidemic era,
we have to fight the epidemic, we have to get rid of poverty,
and we have to move forward. Yes, the new infrastructure has injected vitality into us.
What is new infrastructure?
New infrastructure is the infrastructure construction originated from the scientific and technological end,
such as: artificial intelligence, 5G base station construction, UHV, intercity
high-speed railway and urban rail transit, new energy vehicle charging pile, big data center,
industrial Internet, etc.
Simply put, it can make our lives more convenient and environmentally friendly.